India's Buy Vocal For Local Products
India's Buys Vocal For Local Products " Vocal for Local " is a concept which dates back to the era of the Swadeshi movement which stared in 1905 as part of the Indian Independence Movement.PM Narendra Modi's Prime Minister, laid emphasis on Aatmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India). Modi has promoted ‘ Vocal about Local’ campaign to make India " Aatma Nirbhar " (Self-reliant).PM Narendra Modi, in his national address said that the Covid-19 crisis has taught India the importance of local manufacturing and supply chains.“It is time to be vocal about local ,"he said!! But the most important thing is that when you shop local, "you are supporting the Indian economy." "We are on the road toward making sure that our Indian economy is so strong that we do not have to be dependent on other foreign brands or investment." Now, to take this mission forward, we have " India Buy Local " ~Momskart an emerging on